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Sheila Hutchinson
Advanced Member

64 Posts
Posted - 04/11/2009 :
November 2009
Stringybark Creek News
and Views
Hi All,
Thought I’d better start a new SBC thread
however the Stringybark Creek News thread is
still worth checking if you are interested
in this area.
A bit of trivia: This year I have set-up two
Kelly related displays for local events.
The first one was at Tolmie (formerly
Wombat) for the 123rd Tolmie Sports that
were held on the 14th February and the
second one was for the Maindample Heritage
Day held last Sunday the 1st November to
raise funds for our local Fire Brigade.
The display at Tolmie featured Stringybark
Creek, the place where the Kelly Gang was
created on the 26th October 1878, and the
plans for the Stringybark Creek upgrade.
When I learnt that ‘Neds’ armour that was
used by the Mansfield Primary school
students in their entry in the Wakakirri
storytelling festival was to be on display
at the Heritage Day, I decided to do a bit
on Stringybark / Mansfield and Maindample’s
association with the Kelly Story.
1871: 14 year old Archibald McPhail who
lived in the Maindample area saw Isaiah
‘Wild’ Wright riding Mr Newland’s stolen
chestnut mare past his father farm. As a
result of this he went to Beechworth to give
evidence and when he was about to return
home he got diphtheria and died. ( indeed a
sad event )
During the late 1860’s and early 1870’s MC
Michael Kennedy (later Sgt) was stationed at
the Maindample Police Camp and the Broken
River Police Station. As part of his duties
as Land Bailiff he inspected and reported on
selections, including the one where we live
Some people were surprised to know that
Maindample had a connection to the Kelly
Bye for now. Sheila
Forum Admin

687 Posts
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 09:55:10
bump |
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198 Posts
Posted - 16/11/2009 :
makes the task a bit easier
Sheila Hutchinson
Advanced Member

64 Posts
Posted - 20/11/2009 :
Hi All,
Stringybark Creek etc; If you wish to view a
few photographs of the 'Grass Roots'
displays I have put up this year go to
Bye for now. Sheila
Sheila Hutchinson
Advanced Member

64 Posts
Posted - 02/12/2009 :
Hi All,
Just thought I'd post these details on this
Stringybark Creek thread, although there is
another thread running about this subject.
Victorian Police Museum exhibition
“Ambush: Ned Kelly & the Stringybark Creek
Murders” open from the 4th January 1010
until June 2010
Will look forward to reading forum members
comments on the content of this exhibition.
Hope the Museum at least have some of the
re-discovered reports etc on display. Hope
to get a chance to see it for myself.
Advanced Member

699 Posts
Posted - 05/12/2009 : 10:29:01
As per Elizabeth Marsden the vic police will
be displaying the newly discovered
documents, one of which will be McIntyres
sbc sketch. On the 24th nov this Sketch was
shown to those that attended the Ned Kelly
uncovered night......I also managed to
sketch out the said sketch, however I'm
looking fwd to viewing the attached notes.
Joe.D |
Sheila Hutchinson
Advanced Member

64 Posts
Posted - 24/01/2010 :
Hi All,
Went for a drive up to SBC on the 20th to
check on how the redevelopment work is
Pleased to say a fair amount of the work has
now been done and this project is gradually
coming to fruition and I think it looks
I believe the next stage is to install an
information shelter in the campground. It’s
hard to say when this will happen as during
the fire season most of the DSE crews are
unable to work on this project.
Latest photos,
thanks to Dave.
Bye for now. Sheila
Senior Member

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699 Posts
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198 Posts
Posted - 26/04/2010 :
I have had a precursory read of Bill's
findings and am most intrested in now
visiting the site to take in the detail.
Will need to sit down and digest it in more
detail though.
thanks for sharing this with us Carla and
Forum Admin

687 Posts
Posted - 07/05/2010 : 18:58:31
forum software has a few bugs in it, i dont
know what happened to carlas last post
listed as the 7/5/10 |
Senior Member

32 Posts |
Posted - 19/05/2010 :
Bruce, I don't know what happened.
Following the Herald Sun article, here is
the Mansfield Courier 28th April 2010
edition. Pictured are the fireplace stones
(foreground) of possibly the Shingle built
hut Ned wrote about in his Jerilderie
letter. The background ridge is the slope as
in the Burman photo but the view angle is
from low down ground level looking South
west. Carla
PS, The mesh was put over the fireplace
rocks by DSC after Bill was going to put it
on himself. The mesh ensures the rocks
remain intact.
kenny t
Average Member

8 Posts
Posted - 24/05/2010 :
work Bill and the other researchers. It
makes very interesting reading and after
spending a lot of time myself over the years
in that area, it is going to be hard to
prove against your conclusions.
kenny t |
Senior Member

32 Posts |
Posted - 27/05/2010 :
you Kenny T, Bill has a further revelation
to make -
Just in case there are still those who don't
know what site to believe in, i,e,
East bank or West bank, someone we know with
a very keen eye who has studied the Burman
photos has identified a fireplace structure
in the Burman1 photo.
See for yourself. Notice the unmistakable
rounded rock shapes hardly visable in the
original image below left.

Bill's computer enhanced image is now
featured in his final document.
The fireplace and the slope together
provides compelling evidence Burman took his
photo at the site of two huts on the Western
bank of the creek.
Unlike the seated man sitting on the log,
the image below shows a figure sitting on
the fireplace rocks, ( the same fireplace
rocks as in the Burman photo), and a figure
on the background slope, ( the same slope as
in the Burman photo)

For those interested to read Bill's document
see link at -
robert mcgarrigle
Advanced Member

86 Posts
Posted - 27/05/2010 : 11:17:24
May I
ask who is going to pay for the yellow brick
road to the wrong place?As I have said
previously blind freddy can see it is
WRONG.Well done Bill and the team. |
Senior Member

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699 Posts
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Posted - 30/05/2010 :
Joe Oma here,
You wrote
Is it correct to say that Terry has
physically shown you the exact spot
where the bullet was found?
Answer, Bill and I were shown the spot by
Terry, and Bill makes the following points,
If you go to his SBC document on page 10 a
map shows the words 'Bridle track' a dotted
line crossing the road, just near the B is
the spot.
Then you ask,
would this place it in the vicinity
of the declivity that McIntyre refers to
in his m/s?
Answer, No. A declivity is an old
fashioned word for downward slope (
Macquarie Dictionary)
When McIntyre refers to a declivity he
refers to a slope near where they camped (or
pitched their tent). Their tent was pitched
on a rise overlooking the logs as the scene
in the Burman photo to his left (if he was
facing the creek Easterly), and to his right
was the slope as in the Burman photo
background. The bullet was found some 40
metres downstream from the two huts site on
the edge of the swampy ground.
This view below is westerly and the road
level can be made out behind Terry Scott's
right shoulder.
Note, reference to the words 'south
declivity' as near site 3A has been removed
was not where the police had camped. Bill

The forked tree is a good marker and could
well be near where the original Kelly tree
Again, for those interested to read Bill's
document see link at -
PS, Oh yes, that Rotunda shelter barely come
in handy when it started to rain.

Advanced Member

699 Posts
Posted - 30/05/2010 :
Oma how are you?
Hope you didn't get too wet under the
rotunda you look nice'n'cosy sitting under
it... hehehehe the nights are getting colder
& I could almost smell those hot soothing
cuppa's you whip up
Bill thx for the speedy reply....and as
always answered with enthusiasm. Keep the
updates coming in.
Joe.D |
kenny t
Average Member

8 Posts
Posted - 02/06/2010 :
I take
my hat off to guys with the research you are
doing. All good stuff. Wow what about the
bullet find?
I am with you Joe, keep the updates coming.
kenny t |
Forum Admin

687 Posts
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32 Posts |
Forum Admin

687 Posts
Posted - 06/06/2010 : 14:37:50
bill I dont know why you dont use your own
login as it should be working I can only
test it if i change the password, and I have
already told you that.
I would be happy to explain my remark with
some scale maps,based on the maps at the
forest website, hopefully they are correct
if not I will apologize to you, based on
your public conclusion that the PC was
around where the fire places are today, when
you use scale maps based on the forestry
maps, real contour maps and MC's info the
logs seem to cross about 3 meters east of
SBC road, at the fireplaces site, but my
problem is I dont have a real waypoint for
the creek, , I really need to get to SBC to
take a waypoint,to see if the creek on the
forest maps match to within a few meters by
any chance do you have a waypoint for the
creek below where the fire places are , that
is the waypoint that you have been basing
your measurements for the 70 yards on?
or in other words Mc said the tent was 70
yards EAST from the creek
if you draw a line WEST from the the creek
and measure 70 yards, what is your waypoint
where the line hits the creek ?
BTW do I have your permission to reproduce
your drawings and photos, who knows I may be
able to prove some of your ideas
also a couple of other questions Bill
do you agree that the tent was 70 yards from
the creek,
and what do agree to that is the creek
today, given the mining and water flows down
hill at the loswest point, blah, blah etc.
standby for a few days so i can host the
maps, and get a waypoint |
Forum Admin

687 Posts
Posted - 06/06/2010 :
is the waypoint I need where the 70 yard or
64 mtr line hits the creek, the blue star is
a real gps waypoint for the two FP's, + or -
the 4 meter EPE, obviously I have rubbed it
given some of words Mc uses, the GPS EPE is
close enough.
Of course if the creek is more westerly then
the tent is further up the hill, and if its
more easterly then its further down the hill
Senior Member

32 Posts |
Posted - 07/06/2010 :
In the recent past you had deleted my
membership as I do recall. I did not remove
myself from this forum. I will try again to
login sometime.
The Forest website maps detail and contours
are very low resolution. The 70 yards
McIntyre referrers to is merely an
indication I believe.
Do you think Mc went back with a tape
measure? Given he also gave us a distance
from the (fire) logs to the tent as 20 or 25
yards gives
us a range of his in accuracy. His
measurements are only estimates.
70 yards could be Mc's 70 steps or feet or a
typo error. For example, you say in your
post " 70 yards East from the creek, -
when you should have written West, a simple
mistake, so to hang an argument on one 70
yards distance is a bit blinkered when we do
a slope and the fireplaces of two huts that
can be made out in the Burman photos.
The Burman photos are of the place where
Lonigan was shot and not where the police
had camped.
You wrote,
" do you agree the tent was 70 yards
from the creek? "
Answer, No, but maybe a shorter distance
according to the hard evidence on the ground
at the two huts site.
Maybe the tent was 70 yards from the creek
placing it west of the road, and contrary to
where I have it placed in the accompanying
sketch plan.
By all means use material and images from my
investigation document to make your point,
but be aware some map sketches are from 2009
and may require to be redrawn as more
conclusive detail emerges. Do not copy the
image, rather please only use images having
a URL address
as follows
Readers may be interested to note that two
posts of a hut in the Burman photo 2 are of
what I believe is the side of the hut and
not the end.
The fireplace structure overgrown with
grasses hide the man's boots. This scenario
works well and shows the logs were located
between the two fireplaces.
Edited only to shorten the text lines as the
images determine page width
Edited by - carla on 07/06/2010 21:15:30 |