Quite obviously the authors of this 2017 document, thought they would
get away with their pseudo sciency report, but you be the judge. When
this report was released I was given these scanned pages during the time
when the Police Historical Unit/ Museum had been given a copy, and I
think they became utterly confused with so much conflicting information.
It was also the time they were going to up grade the 2005 Stringy Bark
Creek signage as quite clearly the Ian Jones site did no longer have
acceptance as exactly where the police had camped on that 25 Oct
Back in early 2003 I communicated with Ian Jones via letter as he did
not do email. In one such letter he told me how he came to decide on his
East bank site. He referred to local farmer Jack Healy who in 1960, had
shown him exactly where the shoot out had occurred, but Ian dismissed
what he had been shown 30 years earlier. Ian concurred with me the site
was just north of the first Red Hill. (explanation) From the picnic ground
looking up SBC road to south, first there is a white hill as seen on
then after a long dip the road rises up to the red hill. ( which is rich red
Now I want you to read this Woman's Day writeup interview with Jack
Healy four years after showing Jones.
Jack Healy together with other locals of the early 1900s knew exactly where
things had happened but no one bothered to permanently mark the
site. However, I don't think we need to argue any more.

In the mean time please take a
close look at the contents of the CSI at SBC pages, and I invite
feedback from you all.
Related pages all about the CSI at SBC pseudo science documents-