The Outlaws
of the Wombat Ranges with annotations by Stuart Dawson
Created for free circulation and redistribution. Not to be sold.
To download click
on the front cover below to access the entire booklet in PDF printable

This page was first uploaded to Ironicon 18 March 2017
The above title
page is a facsimile based on the original which was
as a pamphlet. Please
Bill Denheld
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George Wilson Hall is the publisher
of this work, but its authors are not specified. It was most likely a
collaboration between Hall and the unnamed ‘traveller’ (p. 123; Mr.
Blank, p. 131). The preface is signed ‘The Authors’ as plural, on page
vi, and it is dated 22 February 1879, shortly after the Jerilderie bank
robbery of Monday 10 February.
Ned Kelly had unsuccessfully sought to have copies of his
‘Jerilderie letter’ printed in that town.
This book is a massively important
historical document in its claim to
give an impartial account of the Kelly outbreak up to the time of
writing, regardless of his being on the committee for the ‘Murdered
Police Memorial Fund’ (p. 104).
Hall was necessarily reliant on what he and his colleague were told by
the gang and their associates when representing their view of events.
As a free download in the interest of
historical research with annotations by Stuart Dawson, he
does not claim to have
noted every error, only to present an accurate transcription of Hall’s
Where some statements or
claims are known to be incorrect, that has been footnoted.